Monday, August 26, 2002

Jerry Regier has drawn lots of fire for things he published over a decade ago. I don't think that's good journalism. Particularly when his recent conduct in Oklahoma is so damning.

"The main thing you'll have to watch out for with Jerry is that he'll set up alliances with religious right groups to the exclusion of others," warns state Sen. Bernest Cain Jr., an Oklahoma City Democrat who, like Regier, is a former Bible college student.

"He's extreme in his political views, and he has few doubts about the truth of what he stands for."

While he does have a good reputation for being able clean up errant bureaucracies, he does it at the price of favoring right-wing religious organizations to whatever degree possible. Surely, Bubba Jeb, there is a better choice out there. But no I forget, if you don't pander to the right-wing crazies you lose the slim margin you need to retain your office.

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