Monday, September 15, 2003

Kaplan on the Military's Bloated Budget:

"When your kid's in the hospital, your roof is leaking, and your salary's just been cut, you should probably put off plans to build a pool or buy a plasma-screen television. The military budget is in a similar state, and it only makes sense to reopen the books, set priorities, and slash those programs that can safely be deferred."

The easy cuts include new types of stealth fighters. But current fighters only need to be used in opening hostilities. Afterwards standard fighters and B-52s do just fine. The only people we might need a stealth air superiority fighter for would be the Israelis or the French.

Attack helicopters need to be rethought. In Iraq, small-arms fire ate them up. And for reconnaissance unmanned drones are coming on. And cheap.

Really don't need to spend money on nukes.

Missile defense. Need I say more?

And that's 20-billion without breaking a sweat.

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