Monday, February 15, 2010

The Republican Roadmap Plan

Here is the latest Republican assault on common sense. From my admittedly cursory reading the piece consumes plenty of ink whining about how bad the situation is. But when one finally finds a paragraph that suggests a solution it turns out nothing other than basic Republican ideology. On health care, for example, the solution (as near as I can discern) is to expose patients to the true and complete costs of their care and let them decide what they can afford. In other words, let the market decide who gets care and who doesn't. It seems to me that the consequence of that approach will be nothing more than what we see in our emergency rooms today only on a much larger scale. People will avoid early intervention because it is too expensive and will only seek care much later when it is really too expensive, potentially fatal, and the costs are borne by everyone anyway. A form of this solution is already not working. Why would we want to expand that approach? There's no reason to believe that the Roadmap Plan has any ideas that are more intelligent in its other points as well.

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