Wednesday, March 12, 2003

So why aren't you happy?

Lord (Richard) Layard, the LSE's director of the centre for economic performance, has this week delivered three startling lectures which question the supremacy of economics. It doesn't work. Economies grow, GDP swells, but once above abject poverty, it makes no difference to citizens' well-being. What is all this extra money for if it is now proved beyond doubt not to deliver greater happiness, nationally or individually? Happiness has not risen in western nations in the last 50 years, despite massive increases in wealth.
Optimists - or progressives like Layard, will see in this research a far better road map to happiness, which lies in the common good. Happiness is easier to find in collective things than in the short-lived pleasures of shopping. Here is affirmed what the left always knew.

This opens up a whole new way of looking at things. It says socialism may very well be more healthy. If only it could be productive as well.

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