Saturday, June 16, 2007

Meet General Taguba

Seymour Hersh profiles a man who is what a leader should be. It's truly amazing (but it shouldn't be) how a single man's integrity can convict powers at the highest level. This is a must read because it shows another facet of the incompetence of the current regime. We should all be outraged and they should be ashamed.


Anonymous said...

xxxxxMullah Cimoc say too much jack bauer tv show make ameriki so stupid for hate the muslim, loving the torture, bow down for masters in tel aviv.

this all rupert murdoch tv show man mind control this way.
This evil doing for usa media , now control so few company. Benjamin Frankling not like this not free press now in usa amerika.

for please now google: mighty wurlitzer +cia

then aemriki people know not free press in usa now. just keep the ameriki so stupid for serve the master in tel aviv.

aztec and him maya people take back all land now all ameriki so weak him son the homosexual and the daughter now slut taking LBT (low back tattoo) and sex with every man even gang member.

Kendall Miller said...

The above comment is so intelligent, articulate, and insightful that one can't help but be impressed.

Anonymous said...

To my knowledge, Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski was the only high ranking member of the military or Bush administration to be reprimanded concerning Abu Graib but she isn't mentioned once in the 9 page article. Regardless, she corroborates much of General Taguba's findings.