Friday, December 10, 2021

Asymmetrical Political Warfare

 Dan Rather comments:

Those who have made the biggest differences in humanity’s march towards a more just and equitable society are invariably the ones who do not give up. To succumb to fatalism is its own form of privilege. I can count the votes in Congress. I can see who has the power of elected office in state and local governments. I understand that it might seem like nothing can be done.

But I also firmly believe that no political leader, including the president of the United States, is bigger than the country (or state or county) they lead. The voices of the people matter, and not just at the ballot box. If there is a sustained national movement around this issue, if it is everywhere, if the troops fighting for it on the frontlines can feel the support from the “homefront,” I believe change is possible. I’ve seen it happen.

There’s an old saying which happens to be a wise one: Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

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