Saturday, June 30, 2007

Blogging the WSDCC meeting (cont)

New Rules to approve. How to elect new exec board members for 6th and 8th CD. Approved. Excused the reps to caucus and do this. Short recess.

Out of juice now. Gotta quit.

Whoo-hoo. Found a plug, back in business.

Sam Hunt, a legislator. A short talk to fill some time. Kudos to House, Senate, and special kudos to Gov. Added 38000 children to healthcare. All by 2010. Added 9700 slots for students in higher education. Like adding a new CWU. Need to elect a Dem President. Jon Stewart and others will be out of job.

6th: Anita Latch
8th: Di Irons

Resolutions Cmte
Resolutions 348 and 351 combined.

Do Pass Recommendation:
Floor asked to pull 344.
346,350 passed.
SB5726 passed leg, signed by gov. Insurance Fair Conduct Act.
Ref 67 filed to stop SB5726 by the losers.
resolution vote yes to Ref 67 because text of ref is Shall SB5726 become law.
344 passed

353 referred to another cmte (Technology cmte) referral passed

352 No Pass:
Pelz wants King Cty to have all-mail balloting. (Repubs don't want it since it will increase turnout). The King County system has been a good system for 10 years. The 2004 audit proved the system worked. Pelz says it is inappropriate for the party to weigh in right now. Motion passed to refer to election cmte.

No recommendation for 347:
Reform of Food and Drug Administration.
This resolution had no recommendation and no advocate. Proposed amendment to send it back to 37 LD. amendment adopted. referred back to 37th district.

Tabled at last meeting, 337
Motion to take off table passed.
Has to do with Ken Burns series "the War", native Americans and hispanic not shown.

Good of Order,
Pick up some door hangers.
Buy tickets for the Jefferson-Jackson dinner in Wenatchee Sept 29.
A 25YO is running for office in Pullman, Nathan Weddell.
Resolutions need to be submitted with contact information so questions can be answered. The resolutions cmte is looking into this.


Anonymous said...

Good of the order.

Washington Health Security Coalition is looking for legislative district coordinators for our efforts to get universal health care passed in Washington State. Interested? Contact Martha Koester at 206-491-4542 or

Anonymous said...

Actually, it is Nathan Weller running for City Council in Pullman. Good guy, didn't quite make it when he ran for County Commissioner last year.

Kendall Miller said...

Thanks folks. I don't alway pay good attention like I should.