Friday, July 17, 2009

Planned Parenthood clinic update

The Pasco Planning Commission kicks the Planned Parenthood clinic decision down the road. Sadly it isn't because they are concerned about the merits of the case. It's because they are looking for some sort of legal cover for the decision they are about to make. Their own biases as well as the preponderance of testimony they have received about the permit leads them to think that protesters will make the site inappropriate due to its proximity to a school. Rick White, the city's community and economic development director, told the commission that a previous court case made the issue of potential protesters insufficient grounds for denying a permit.

It appears that the courts have already ruled against the bullying tactics employed by the planned parenthood opposition. The opposition has made it clear to the commission that if the permit is granted, they will protest. Thankfully the court has made it illegal for the commission to cave to the threats of the protesters. It's no wonder these people want to destroy the courts. They view their religious conviction as a higher standard than our country's legal system. Said legal system seems to always get in the way of their efforts to shove their particular religious views down the throats of the populace.

I, for one, am thankful that the establishment clause continues to be protected.

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