Thursday, October 14, 2021

Anti-democratic anti-business Republican Party

In addition to being anti-democratic, the GOP is becoming more and more an anti-business party.

Republican politicians are at odds with corporate America on crucial issues. It’s not just vaccines. Corporate interests also want serious investment in infrastructure and find themselves on the outs with Republican leaders who don’t want to see Democrats achieve any policy successes. Basically, the G.O.P. is currently engaged in a major campaign of sabotage — its leaders want to see America do badly, because they believe this will redound to their political advantage — and if this hurts their corporate backers along the way, they don’t care.
Now they’re learning that they aren’t in control, and in fact have barely any voice in the party they bankrolled. They thought they were using the extremists; it turns out that the extremists were using them.

The question is, what are they going to do about it?

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